An incredible feat indeed! A team of South African professionals with the help of local artisans constructed this stunning new timber tennis court and decking structure at an island resort in the Maldives. Our rubber crumb InstaCradles were used in the surrounding raised decking and it came out beautifully.
We spoke to Luke Hindmarch from HoldFast Access about the job. Jump to see some of the questions we asked him:
What is the building being used for?
What are the challenges you have faced, and how did you overcome them?
What role do our InstaCradles play, and what problems do they solve?
Who was involved in the project?
The InstaCradle system allows us to have a floating deck without fixing through the waterproofing below...
The deck is completely independent of the structure below and is able to move freely without creating leaks.
We also prefer to use products that have been made from recycled materials. The InstaCradles ticked all of these boxes for us and our clients.
Check out the brochure here: